The response to covid at parx, remove face covering to have your temperature taken, allow drinking and eating at slot machines which requires removal of mask. They should stop trying to draw people there for entertainment and just fill the area when slots or table games cause that’s all this disgusting place cares about. Doesn’t make any sense you can literally walk in there blacked out from any of the surrounding bars but if you show up sober to a comedy show they treat it like an airplane. It’s filled with the seedy scum of lower bucks surrounded by cheap hotels with working women, and they’re worried about you purchasing a drink? Just know if you go to a comedy show and don’t pregame before you’re only getting one drink for the next few hours. I have tickets for one more show but will not spend anymore money at this place. Not only do they have wacky rules their service is rude and condescending.
I guess this is the no fun casino never been to a place that so consistently sucks. Bartender said you can’t purchase more than one drink every 30 minutes. Seen 5 comedy shows at Excite trying to get a drink from a bar before the shows takes 30 minutes, you’re not allowed to have more than one drink.